Influence your care from anywhere!
Your provider would like you to participate in PERX and to provide real-time information about your symptoms, treatment, disease management, and overall health to your care team using our free smartphone app.What is PERX?
PatientSpot PERX enables you to share your symptoms with your health care team between your regularly scheduled, in-person visits. By taking a few minutes each week to use PERX you can ensure your care team has the information they need to make informed decisions about your care.

Track Your Symptoms
Take weekly surveys about your symptoms and overall health

Share with Care Team
Results of your surveys will be sent to your care team in real-time. Each weekly assessment helps to build a clearer picture of your health.

Get Better Care
Your care team will review and advise if changes to your treatments are needed in between regular visits.

How to Get Started
Create Your Account
In web browser, enter your email via this website. Follow prompts to fill in your account details.
Download the App
Search for the PatientSpot app in the app store and download the app.
Log In to the App
Using the credentials you used to set up your account, log in to the app.
Start Tracking
Start tracking symptoms as prescribed by your provider.

The first step to registering for an account is to enter your email address below
Use the email address with which you want to receive future communications from your provider.
What Community Members Have to Say

I am absolutely interested in this. Would make things easier because I don’t have to sit in a doctor’s office and remember all the things I wanted to tell my doctor over the past month.
Deen A, who lives with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Frequently Asked Questions
Please keep in mind that throughout your use of PatientSpot, you can provide feedback or ask questions at any time by contacting us. We’ve listed some frequently asked questions here for your convenience.
Is the PERx program right for me?
If you have a chronic condition, and your health care provider has prescribed this service, it can help you and your health care provider keep track of your health. If you’re interested in joining, contact your health care provider for more information.
How will my doctor be kept informed of my progress?
A summary of your progress will be available in your medical chart for your doctor.
Will it cost me anything to participate in PERx?
Most insurance programs cover remote therapeutic monitoring programs like PERx, but your insurance may require a monthly copayment. If that is the case, these are typically in the range of $5-$20/month.
How often will I need to participate?
PERx assessments are most effective when done weekly.
Who will be able to access my information and will it be shared with anyone?
Our team will not sell or rent your personal information or personal health information to any company or organization. Your data will stay in a secure end to end data stream between the app and the data monitoring software.
What are the risks involved with participation, and how will my information be kept confidential?
The main risk to you would be a potential loss of confidentiality of your information. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your data using industry standards of computer encryption and data security.

Ready to register?