As a chronic disease patient, you can make a difference in the fight against chronic disease and related conditions with this free app.

PatientSpot puts your health information in your hands! Track your symptoms, treatments and other health data from your computer or smartphone.

Overtime you will better understand changes in your condition and be able to work with your doctor to make informed treatment decisions.

See how your symptoms are changing – or holding steady – over time. How are you responding to new medications or other changes in treatment?

Speed the arrival of personalized medicine by helping researchers learn how different treatments work for different people. Information you provide will be overseen in a secure process that allows only trusted experts to use your information for scientific research.

Send secure reports to yourself or to your doctor summarizing information you have logged. Share how you’ve been doing to help your care team and loved ones better understand your condition.

View your reports in daily; weekly, or monthly snapshots depending on the frequency with which you track. Empower yourself with personal data to better understand your symptoms.
Reported Treatments
Reported Outcomes

Consider joining today. Transform your story into powerful clues that will help researchers develop better treatments and, ultimately, a cure.

The people behind PatientSpot
In 2014, Arthritis Power (now known as PatientSpot) was created as a patient-powered research network (PPRN) with initial support from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and in partnership with the University of Alabama, Birmingham.
In 2023, Arthritis Power became PatientSpot to include and serve chronic disease patients.

Shilpa Venkatachalam
PhD, MPH, Principal Investigator
Shilpa Venkatachalam, PhD, MPH, is the Director, Patient-Centered Research Operations and Ethical Oversight and President of GHLF North Africa, as well as Principal Investigator of PatientSpot, an omni disease research registry. She oversees several research projects including a collaborative research group called the Autoimmune Research Collaborative (ARC) and the GHLF PatientSpot research registry.
To read more about Dr. Venkatachalam: click here

Jeff Curtis
MD, MS, MPH, Co-Principal Investigator
Jeffrey R Curtis, M.D. is a rheumatologist and epidemiologist focused on the efficacy, comparative effectiveness, and safety of the medications used to treat inflammatory disease. He is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He is the Co-Principle Investigator of PatientSpot, an omni disease research registry focused on chronic diseases. He has been a member of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Herpes Zoster workgroup, and in 2015, he was appointed as a member to the FDA Arthritis Advisory Committee.
To learn more about Dr. Curtis: click here
This innovative, nationwide research network of patients living with chronic conditions is led by a Patient Governor Group with input from the wider GHLF community, putting patients at the center of all research conducted with PatientSpot.

Regan R.

Joan W.

Ashley N.

Vanessa K.

Denise M.

Ryan R.

Courtney W.

Chantelle M.

Zoe R.
All portrait illustrations by CreakyJoints member Sal Marx.

Patient Governors are the critical connection between research scientists and the GHLF community of people living with chronic illness. They tell us what issues are important to study from their perspective. They speak from their own experience to flag potential challenges so we can adjust when preparing to do research.
Shilpa Venkatachalam, PhD, MPH, Director, Patient-Centered Research Operations and Ethical Oversight, Global Healthy Living Foundation and President of GHLF North Africa.

PatientSpot Core Features
From tracking your symptoms and medications to sharing your experience, PatientSpot is there for you.

Share results with family / caregivers / healthcare professionals
Research Opportunities

Participate in paid / unpaid surveys and studies

Access to educational resources about your condition


Enter/Keep track of treatments

Track your health with customized assessments

View results over time / see how symptoms are changing / identify causes of symptom changes
Frequently Asked Questions
Please keep in mind that throughout your use of PatientSpot, you can provide feedback or ask questions at any time by contacting us. We’ve listed some frequently asked questions here for your convenience.
What conditions are included in the registry?
If you are living with any chronic condition, please consider registering for PatientSpot, our omni disease research registry.
Together we can help advance our understanding of all chronic diseases.
Will PatientSpot keep my information confidential?
Yes. The information you provide will only be used for tracking trends among patients. The only time your information would be shared with identifying data is if we are linking the data with a health institution and we want to ensure the correct person’s data is being used. Besides this, your info will not be connected with you in any way.
Is it required for me to give my Social Security number (SSN)?
No! In the event that we do ask for it, it is completely optional. It is not necessary to provide your SSN to participate in PatientSpot.
Can PatientSpot make health recommendations for me?
Unfortunately, no. The purpose of Patientspot is to track your health for both your benefit and the benefit of research. However, we will let you know about research findings to keep you up-to-date on what scientists are learning from the data you are contributing so that you can work with your doctor on your health decision making.
Contact Us
Get in touch with our team and we will assist you with any questions you may have!