The Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Joint Self-Exam Study
Help your doctor help you by tracking your swollen and tender joints
About The Study
Can examining your own joints for your RA give useful information to your rheumatologist?
The RA Joint Self-Exam Study is a study for people with RA to understand if joint self-exams provide information that can be used by their doctor in their RA care and monitoring. The aim of this study is to see if patient participants are able to do their own joint exam with guidance. Patient participants will do a self-exam of their joints to see which joints are tender and/or swollen. Their self-exam will then be compared to the in-person joint exam done by their rheumatologist. This study may help to provide RA patients with access to better care if they are not able to see a rheumatologist in person.
To participate in this study, please sign up below. After that, you will be guided through the following steps:
Register for ArthritisPower. The email address and password you provide when registering will be your login for this study.
Download the ArthritisPower app to your smartphone. Sign in with the email and password used during registration.
Open the ArthritisPower app to start your participation. The app will prompt you to answer questions about your disease. After completing this section, you will be guided through how to do a self-exam of your joints. You will be able to mark whether the joint is tender and/or swollen for each joint.
To participate in this study you must:

Be a U.S. resident

Be an adult, age 19 or older

Be diagnosed by a physician with rheumatoid arthritis

Have a smartphone to download the ArthritisPower app and perform the joint self-exams

Have registered a valid e-mail address with the ArthritisPower app

Be willing to complete joint self-exams within 1 to 6 days before your in-office visit (ideally, within 3 days of your in-office visit)
This is what you’re expected to do.
Your participation in this study will last no more than 7 days and will include a few minutes of extra time at an office visit with your rheumatologist that you have already scheduled for your routine care. Prior to that office visit, you will be asked to use the ArthritisPower app to:

Answer brief questions about your RA and its symptoms

Follow guided prompts on how to perform your own joint self-exam and log your results
Your participation will take about 15 minutes total to complete. It’s important that you take your time examining your joints so that your doctor can receive the most accurate results. We recommend you complete your participation 1 to 3 days before your in-office visit. Please do not complete your participation more than 6 days before your visit.
Participants who successfully complete the study will receive $50 as compensation, which will be given to them by their doctor’s office after their in-office visit.
The RA Joint Self-Exam Study
Participation in this study has ended.
The co-principal investigators of this study are:

Swamy Venturupalli, MD, FACR

Jeffrey Curtis, MD, MS, MPH

Ben Nowell, PhD, MSW
Contact Us
Please let us know if you have any questions about participating in the study.
Ben Nowell, Principal Investigator at Global Healthy Living Foundation, CreakyJoints
An institutional review board (IRB) is an independent committee established to help protect the rights of research subjects. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, and/or concerns or complaints regarding this research study, contact:

By Mail:
Study Subject Adviser
Advarra IRB
6940 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 110
Columbia, MD 21046

By Phone Toll Free:
Please reference the following number when contacting the Study Subject Adviser: Pro00065132